Another Bespoke Switchgear Housing being loaded ready for delivery and connection to the UK National Grid - This one near Castleford, West Yorkshire.
A total of 3 Generators have been loaded and shipped to a newly built 5-star hotel in the Maldives. One 1100 kVA, two 170 kVA's and two 500 Amp ATS Panels - All Cummins Power Generation Products.
The gensets will provide a mixture of prime and backup power to the hotel.
This 5-Module Bespoke Switchgear Housing was dispatched last month to be installed into the National Grid network near Blyth.
This Cummins 275 kVA / 176 kW Silent Diesel Generator will provide backup power to a private hospice in Wales.
These 4 Cummins Silent Diesel Generators (2 110 kVA's, a 400 kVA and a 450 kVA) are being loaded ready to be shipped to our dealer in Somalia. The units will be used for water pumping stations.
This Cummins 38 kVA / 30 kW Silent Diesel Generator will provide standby power to a flood sump pump in Jersey.
This Pramac Perkins 22 kVA / 17 kW Stage 3a Emissions Compliant Silent Diesel Generator has been supplied to a mobile welding company recently set up in Essex.
This Cummins 22 kVA / 17 kW Silent Diesel Generator is being shipped to Ghana where it will be used as prime power for a small office block.
Two more Cummins 2750 kVA / 2200 kW Diesel Generators in Bespoke Acoustic Enclosures leaving the works heading for a data centre in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Three more Cummins 3000 kVA / 2400 kW QSK78 Diesel Generators in ADVANCED designed & built Bespoke Acoustic Enclosures leave the works heading for a data centre in Ireland.
Another Bespoke-Built Telecoms Diesel Generator leaving ADVANCED to be installed at a telephone exchange in Perthshire. The Generator will provide backup power in the event of a mains failure.
This Pramac Perkins 150 kVA Diesel Generator will supply backup power to an automated milking station at a dairy farm near Cumbria.
This Cummins 2000 kVA / 1650 kW Open Diesel Generator plus free-standing Fuel Tank & free-standing Oil Tank was modified to simplify the control system as part of our ongoing country wide telecoms network upgrade project.
This Cummins 110 kVA / 88 kW Enclosed Diesel Generator is on its way to Nigeria where it will be used to supply prime power to a factory.